KeystoneRoundup edit_edited-1 web 72dpi

“Keystone Roundup”, 2014, concrete, steel pipe, antlers Installation varies in size: app 12 x 9 x 1 inches

AndThenThereWereNone, concrete, steel pipe and eagle claw web 72dpi

“And Then There Were None” 2016, concrete, steel pipe and eagle claw ( simulated )

Bucking the Pipeline, 2015, concrete, steel pipe, antlers, 76_ 16_ x 20_web size

“Bucking the Pipeline” 2015, concrete, antlers, steel pipe. 76 x 20 x 20 inches

LastStand'16Soho20 web 72 dpi

“Last Stand”, Exhibition at SOHO20 2016

Little House on the Pipeline, 2016, concrete, steel pipe, wire, antler 40_ x 10_ x 12_ app web 72

“Little House on the Pipeline” 2015, concrete, steel pipe, antler and bedspring.