Recently I have been assembling my very small collages into booklets to tell stories with one or several images. The stories evolve in a random way as I glue various magazine and newspaper clippings onto rice paper. The rice paper,  stained with acrylic, I am recycling from previous installation material. I collect the stories into accordian books. I can also glue them to both sides of a sheet of rice paper that I have folded and cut in a way that the one paper can become a small booklet.  The booklet's pages can be looked at one by one or the whole book can unfold in one strip. 


There are some individual pages that seem to want to be larger, separate collages. That is what happened with "Story Book Image 1."  "To Control Nature" developed from a piece I cut from a larger sheet. Before I could fold it, I saw a potential landscape. I added a shape I had previously cut out that suggested pagan monoliths. Surely one purpose of the monoliths was to propitiate nature/god.


- Anne Elliott on on her recent collage series

Story Book Image, 2022

Collage on Mylar, acrylic and markers

21.75” x 32”


To Control Nature, 2022

20” x 14”

Collage on stained Okawara rice paper
